I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the people who helped make the day the success that it was...
- Annie Payne - Who, as the person responsible for community development at the Mawson Centre, made the venue available for free. We would never been able to have the event without you.
- Bettong.Org - Janet and her fellow Bettongs; Kim, Tom, and Bruce
- Air-Stream - Robert, Chris, Chris, Kat, Kim, Paul, Ryan, Shawn and Simon
on the Software Freedom Showcase website.
Thanks also to the following people
- Michael - working through a Ubuntu installation
- Kieran - gaming with Linux
- Kevin - showing us the electronic music software available for Linux; and
- Andrew - for explaining how to install Linux on an iPod
- Sue - from the Mawson Lakes Library, who out together the Free and Open Source book display.
- Ubuntu - for providing the CD's and stickers to give away
- Swing Dancers SA - providing music and movement
- Chicago Show Bands - providing music and the BBQ